Last week, as protests prompted by the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and other black men and women spread across the nation, the о School of Law held the virtual public forum “Police Violence, Race, and Protest.”
More than 175 people, including King Hall students, faculty, staff and alumni, came online June 3 to express their grief and sadness regarding the most recent examples of systemic violence toward people of color, and discuss what the King Hall community can do to move the fight for justice forward.
Students and others made thoughtful suggestions, from enhancing critical race theory in the curriculum to holding more public lectures featuring people of color who have been directly affected by the criminal justice system. Dean Kevin Johnson said о Law will introduce a speaker series focused on racial justice in 2020-21.
After the forum, . To add resources to this list, contact Senior Assistant Dean for Student Affairs Emily Scivoletto.