Crush Content / Crush Content for 不良研究所 en Nice Guys (and Girls) Do Not Finish Last in Love Relationships, 不良研究所 Study Finds /news/nice-guys-and-women-do-not-finish-last-love-relationships-uc-davis-study-finds <p>If you want a member of the opposite sex to have a romantic interest in you, it鈥檚 best to be charming, empathetic and popular, not aggressive, according to a 不良研究所, study of early adolescent relationships.</p> <p>Most of the time, youth have crushes on or pursue members of the opposite sex whom their peers approve of and don鈥檛 pursue those their friends don鈥檛 like, the study found.</p> February 12, 2016 - 10:13am Karen Michele Nikos /news/nice-guys-and-women-do-not-finish-last-love-relationships-uc-davis-study-finds