Breastfeeding Support Program Content / Breastfeeding Support Program Content for о en HEALTHY UC DAVIS: Active Aggies, Mindfulness, Gentle Yoga /news/healthy-uc-davis-active-aggies-mindfulness-gentle-yoga <p>Active Aggies Mobile is staying active all summer long, and a new, four-part series of Gentle Lunchtime Yoga is scheduled to begin Aug. 30. Both programs are free and open to staff, faculty, students and retirees.</p> <p>A Midday Mindfulness Meditation program continues this month, also free and also for staff, faculty, students and retirees; and registration will open next week for “Mindful Awareness Practices,” a free, six-week course in the fall for staff and faculty.</p> <p>Also, Breastfeeding Week/Month presentations for everyone in the community are continuing through Aug. 30.</p> August 07, 2018 - 1:12pm Dave Jones /news/healthy-uc-davis-active-aggies-mindfulness-gentle-yoga HEALTHY UC DAVIS: Breastfeeding Work/Month at о /news/healthy-uc-davis-breastfeeding-work-month-uc-davis <p>о’ <a href="">Breastfeeding Support Program</a> is turning World Breastfeeding Week into a month of presentations and a panel discussion on the Davis and Sacramento campuses. All events are free and open to the о community and wider community as well.</p> July 20, 2018 - 1:41pm Dave Jones /news/healthy-uc-davis-breastfeeding-work-month-uc-davis LAURELS: о Named ‘Veterans Employer of the Year’ /news/laurels-uc-davis-named-%E2%80%98veterans-employer-year%E2%80%99 <p>The California Employer Advisory Council has honored <strong>о</strong> as a Veterans Employer of the Year, recognizing the university’s specialized outreach and other efforts to hire and promote veterans.</p> <p><strong>Elaine Nakata,</strong> employment outreach specialist for Human Resources, accepted the award earlier this month at the Veterans Employer of the Year Awards Ceremony in Temecula. She’s based at the о Health System, but works on behalf of all of о.</p> May 24, 2016 - 6:02pm Dave Jones /news/laurels-uc-davis-named-%E2%80%98veterans-employer-year%E2%80%99